Breakdown of construction

Step 1: decide topic — 1) Book — 2) Chapter 
    Book: the Giver
        part1: Chapter1-2
        part2: Chapter7-8
        part3: Chapter10-11
        part4: Chapter14-15
        part5: Chapter18 
        part6: Chapter20-22 

Step 2: consider the problems in BRIEF section 
    age: from 12 to 30 
    genre: fiction 
    translation: text, graph, sound, animation, video 
    interaction: user choosable plot
        (different memories(good/bad—specified can have more options ))

Step 3: consider about the design of the website 
    website structure 
    heading navigation —big block—parts
    footer —parts map—list/content title details 
    side bar(or between header&body)—point to show where they are
    background moves as the mouse moves

    zoom in & animation when hover


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