The Audience 

Audience: From children to the young adults (approximately age8 — 25) 
This story book originally aims to the children but it received very good feedback from people of all generation, especially the younger generation. So the reason why my story book aims from the children to young adult is that the younger generation are more easily to get inspiration from this story and the main character from this book is also at a young age which is more likely to attract the attention of the younger people.  

    Kids & Teenagers: 
        They are always curious and excited about adventure and rebellion, but they are easily got bored if the way the content is shown is not interesting. 
        And this website fully utilized these feature that the main character is the one who is a rebel and get to a dangerous but promising adventure to save the fate of his community. 
        Need passion for life and is getting on their right track to start the career, but don't usually want to spend that much time on something that may not seem important to them.  
        This age group is expected to get inspiration from seeing the scene and the quality of the characters of the book, it tells a sprit that don't be afraid to do anything and always stands for the truth. 

    The website will be more attractive if it is set to match the feature of adventure and the emphasis of the personality that the main character has. Also, the way the content of the story is displayed is also important as most people turn away if they found it boring. From young adults, the website story is expected to be short so that they won’ be likely to stop reading just because it’s too long. 

    To address these problems, the design of my website matches the way the adventure goes and also, more importantly, the way the content is displayed is not simple and traditional but more interactive, like user can click on the paragraph they like and we highlight it to them. Last but not least, the design for the story also makes the content short and explicit, which consist only 6 parts so that user will know how much they have to read and they won’t feel stressed by the amount of content they need to take in. 


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